Monday (24.06.2024)
9:00-10:00 Registration
10:00-10:15 Welcome
10:15-11:00 Invited lecture - Krzysztof Abramski Photonics began with the laser
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-13:10 I session Gas Sensors (1) Chair: Katarzyna Zakrzewska
11:30-11:50 Łukasz Sterczewski Chip-based frequency combs for spectroscopic sensing at long wavelengths
11:50-12:10 Grzegorz Dudzik A novel approach to optical gas sensing utilizing laser spectroscopy
12:10-12:30 Tomasz Grzebyk From a miniature vacuum pump to a family of high vacuum MEMS devices
12:30-12:50 Julian Elier Micro-hotplate hydrogen sensor operated by the 3-omega method
12:50-13:10 Joanna Banaś-Gac Surface and interface engineering towards gas sensing devices based on multilayered copper oxide thin films
13:10-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:20 II session Bio/chem Sensors (1) Chair: Patrycja Śniadek
14:00-14:20 Nina Szczotka, Aleksandra Motyka Comprehensive solution for sensors, micro, and nanosystems
14:20-14:40 Artur Dybko Cartridge for paper-based chemical sensors
14:40-15:00 Wojciech Kubicki 3D printed microfluidic lab-on-a-disk for centrifugal droplet generation
15:00-15:20 Tymon Janisz 3D printed biocompatible ball check valve
15:20-15:45 Coffee break
15:45-17:05 III session Bio/chem Sensors (2) Chair: Piotr Jasiński
15:45-16:05 Justyna Kornicka Transdermal drug delivery technology using a microneedle patch combined with diagnostics for use in veterinary medicine.
16:05-16:25 Anna Kusior New insights in neurotransmitter sensing: nanomaterial-based non-enzymatic approaches
16:25-16:45 Maciej Dudzik, Konrad Segełyn The impact of Ag deposition on SPR-based optical sensors
16:45-17:05 Robert Bogdanowicz Electrochemical Detection of Herbicides in Environmental Samples Using Boron-Doped Diamond/Graphene Electrodes
19:00-21:00 boat cruise on the Oder, meeting place H-14
Tuesday (25.06.2024)
9:00-9:15 Welcome
9:15-10:00 Invited lecture - Jan Dziuban Progress in miniaturization of space instruments
10:00-12:00 IV session Sensors for Space Exploration Chair: Jan Dziuban
10:00-10:30 Piotr Orleański (keynote) New Space czyli nowe podejście do elektroniki kosmicznej
10:30-11:00 Hanna Rothkaehl (keynote) Benefits for space science and applications from innovative tools and sensors, based on in situ space plasma diagnostics
11:00-11:20 Piotr Szyszka Miniature MEMS Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (mQMS) for Space Applications
11:20-11:40 Patrycja Śniadek Lab-payload for the autonomous biological satellite (LabSat)
11:40-12:00 Paweł Knapkiewicz Why Europe needs its own miniature atomic time reference
12:00-12:30 coffee break
12:30-13:50 V session MEMS Chair: Andrzej Dziedzic
12:30-12:50 Michał Krysztof Research on development of vacuum electron beam MEMS devices
12:50-13:10 Paweł Urbański World's first x-ray source made entirely of MEMS technology
13:10-13:30 Grzegorz Kołaszczyński Assessment of the human body stability during walking using an inertial measurement unit
13:30-13:50 Tomasz Kabala Smart transducers for use in aviation laboratories
13:50-14:40 Lunch
14:40-16:00 Posters and networking
16:30-18:30 meeting of PTTS members
19:30-21:30 gala dinner "Przystań i Marina"
Wednesday (26.06.2024)
9:00-9:15 Welcome
9:15-10:00 Invited lecture - Jan Kołodyński Quantum sensors operated in real time
10:00-11:30 VI session Novel Technologies and Applications Chair: Tomasz Grzebyk
10.00-10.30 Andrzej Dziedzic (keynote) Planar thermocouples, thermopiles and thermoelectric microgenerators
10.30-10.50 Wiesław Jakubik Humidity sensing with rr-P3HT polymer films in LiNbO3 1280 Y-X SAW sensor platform
10.50-11.10 Wiktoria Weichbrodt Selected methods of modifying the gasochromic properties of WO3 thin films
11.10-11.30 Jędrzej Kowalewski A new approach to hyperspectral system design - selected case studies
11.30-12.00 coffee break
12:00-12:45 Invited lecture - Eduard Llobet Synthesis and functionalization of transition metal dichalcogenides for gas sensing applications
12:45-15:35 VII session Gas Sensors (2) Chair: Eduard Llobet
12:45-13:15 Katarzyna Zakrzewska (keynote) Low temperature performance of resistive-type gas sensors based on metal oxide semiconductors - a review
13:15-13:35 Michał Mazur Gasochromic phenomenon in metal oxide thin films based on the comprehensive analysis of the optical studies
13:35-13:55 Paweł Pasierb ABO3 protonic conductors for gas sensing applications
13:55-14:15 Ewa Mańkowska Hydrogen gas sensing properties of p-type CuTiOx thin films
14:15-14:35 Paulina Kapuśnik Analysis of gas sensing properties of thin film coatings based on cerium oxides
14:35-14:45 Ending ceremony
14:45-15:35 Lunch